Tuesday, May 17, 2011

A Vision for Manifesting Success in This Century of the Brain

By Stephen Hager

Psychology, business models and self-improvement programs have taken us to a place where the velocity of individual and organizational development seems to have slowed down. And, the number and gravity of our individual and world problems have accelerated. We may be hitting our heads on the ceiling of solutions.
Individuals are looking for powerful ways to experience greater prosperity, have fulfilling careers, improve their personal relationships and leap-frog their lives forward. Leaders in business,
government, healthcare, science and all important fields are more eager and open-minded to trying new approaches to solve their problems. The thinking of the past is incapable of solving the problems they created.
People from all walks of life want a better life and a better world to live in. It's becoming more obvious each day that our local and global problems are interconnected. We have daunting challenges involving economic stability, employment opportunities, family prosperity, a more peaceful world, environmental issues, healthy food and clean water. There seems to be a greater awareness amongst more people that we are in this together and that we all had a small role in creating the mess.
Practical neuroscience may be one of the last frontiers for human development. The Vision for the Century of the Brain is intended to inspire and guide individuals and leaders in all walks of life to use brainpower to solve problems and create a better world.
Vision for the Century of the Brain
As we enter the Century of the Brain, we see a world where women and men of good will and shared intentions come together for manifesting positive changes in their lives without hindering or harming anyone else's dreams. We work and think smarter, not harder. We know that the power of our brains and neuroscience is the key to manifesting what we want and avoiding what we don't want. Conscious thought and action amongst integrous people becomes a transformative power for good.
We remember that great ideas originate from individual and collective imagination. Family units, small groups, organizational teams and leaders in all field of endeavor work together to define their desired outcomes, ideate the possibilities and create action plans that manifest their pictures of success. Joining like minds amplifies the power within and we use it wisely. Fear and negative emotions are strangers here.
We know, use and trust our brains. Instinctually, we attract and join with minds that align with our highest values and intentions. Celebrating success and the success of others is a way of life. Our miraculous brains connect us with one another and the divine.
In conclusion, if you align with the intention and central ideas contained in this Vision please share it with others. Practical neuroscience may be the unrecognized solution to our individual, family, organizational and world problems. We have nothing to lose and everything to gain by using the scientific principles of leveraging brainpower. I believe we will see and experience what seem to be "miracles" when we join our minds and hearts; besides, it will be a fun and rewarding experience with a big "wow factor."

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6266317

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