Saturday, May 28, 2011


by Budi Martanto

Success, achievement, freedom, happiness can never achieve if we no one thing, the Action!

Action (Action) is essential in achieving the life we want. We want to succeed, then we must act. We want to be happy, there is also need real action to achieve it.
The question is, How to take Action (action) to achieve whatever we want?

Perhaps, many of you who find a solution.
And wonder. How the hell do I?

Did you know that the human brain is designed to pursue pleasure, to avoid suffering?
So the first step that needs you have before you act is to know, What is your strongest REASON reply to reach your desired goal? The reason must be strong, if not stronger, it's useless you pursue your goal, if later on the way you stop.
If you already have a strong reason for which, the next step or a distinguished Second is SURE. Be sure your goal will become reality.
Yg Third, you need to FOCUS. The focus must be clear. If the reply to your destination Dlm life adlah Happiness. Focus on the things to make you happy.
Fourth Step reply, CONSISTENT. For Action that we need a distinguished name is consistent, with no consistent, it's useless We pursue the objectives of Kita.
Last go round and who give thanks. Gratefully, that goal has been reached which you pursue. Convey your gratitude in GOD..

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