Friday, May 20, 2011

Create Abundance With the Law of Attraction

By Melanie A Channell

The law of attraction states that we create our current circumstances whether we are aware of it or not. Whether we are unhappy with our job, our personal relationships are floundering, or our health is under par, complaining about our plight doesn't ever get us closer to creating abundance in any area of our life. In fact, it stops us dead in our tracks. The only way to change our circumstances is to take a good look in the mirror, take responsibility, and change our mindset.
You can change your thought patterns, and be a master at manifesting abundance in every area of your life, by using the law of attraction principles. It can help you reprogram your thoughts
, stay focused on your goals, and urges you to take action. There is an old saying that says, "When you pray, move your feet". This saying really does come into play here. You must take action daily in order to get what you truly want!
Some of the advantages of using the law of attraction principles will benefit you in many areas, including:
• Finding Answers to your life's most pressing problems, fast
• Breaking through mental limitations
• Achieving permanent success quickly
• Becoming more attuned to situations and the people around you
• Eliminating self-sabotaging behaviors
• Increasing your creativity and self-expression
• Learning to trust your intuition
Whether you want more fulfillment in your life, your life is out of balance, you're sabotaging your prosperity, or you're struggling with the same challenges over and over again, you may want to look at what has worked for you in the past, and what hasn't worked. If you keep playing the same recording over and over again with little or no results, doesn't it make sense to flip the record over? Sometimes it only takes a little tweak in your thinking to alter your thoughts, and when you transform your thoughts, your belief system will change. That's when amazing strides in the direction of your dreams start to take place.
The law of attraction has been around for centuries and has been used by many prominent leaders throughout history. We have only recently put a name to this approach to life, but thousands are now finding that applying these ancient laws, they can empower themselves, uncover their true potential, and begin a whole new way of life. Seek out and adhere to these teachings, and a promising future awaits you.

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