Monday, May 23, 2011

Experience the Empowerment of Personal Affirmation

By Jurgen Mennel

It is possible to use a positive affirmation to overcome the negative feelings and thoughts that can trap anyone. People from all walks of life can experience a period of emotional homelessness. We all know someone who has experienced dark depression. Many people become totally helpless when they allow strong emotions to elevate to mental grief.
A friend of mine told me about a man who married a woman with a five year old son. The young boy was diagnosed with high functioning autism. The man and the boy connected in remarkable ways
. Their relationship resulted in the boy integrating to public school and achieving the highest marks possible at the proper grade level. More important was the boy saying that he felt like he belonged.
Over a five year period the man and boy become blended in their minds and hearts. The boy said that he waited his whole life for his real true father to come for him. The boy listened patiently one day while his stepfather explained the adoption process and then told the man that he understood except that God had already made them a family.
During this 5 year period the mother experienced growing depression, sleeplessness, and her behaviour fluctuated from the lows to sudden elevated moods. Despite every effort to be loving and supportive the mother exhibited destructive behaviours with infidelities and other betrayals. Eventually she left the home and entered a relationship that made no sense to anyone who knew her.
The boy and man continued as best they could until the day arrived where the mother returned to take the boy away from the man he claimed as his one true Dad and the place he called home. It was the beginning of a soul shattering separation. The man was crushed. He did nothing for several sleepless days and had no appetite.
He awoke one morning and wrote down all the things he could do to save his son. At the top of the list was a statement to be grateful his son was alive and counting on his father to rescue him. The man started with an attitude of gratitude. He began and ended each day stating his gratitude out loud. He talked to his windshield in the car, the reflection in the store front doors, and the mirror on the door in his bedroom.
He knew the coming holiday season would be filled with loving memories of his son. He used his positive affirmation of gratitude by volunteering to serve food at a local church, deliver meals to shut in senior citizens, and collect items for the community food bank. He wanted to deliver nourishment to remind himself that love can sustain any one of us.
After 4 months of separation, the man was shutting down his automobile and had his door open when he heard a small voice asking him if he would like to get out of the car and hug his own son. They two melted into each into the arms of the other. Before falling asleep that night they shared a prayer and each spoke words of gratitude that were heard from their home to the heavens above.
Everyone of us has the ability to choose our emotions. We can discover the powerful effect a positive affirmation can wield in our daily life. Imagine the changes your want to make starting today and become the architect of your transformation.

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