Monday, June 6, 2011

5 Tips on How to Make a Good Impression

By Peter Sides

You can not force someone to like you nor should you expect everyone to be amazed when they meet you. But you can instead try to put yourself in a good light in the eyes of the people you encounter.
How? A smile does wonders during a conversation, a good joke breaks the ice and a compliment thrown over the shoulder leaves an unforgettable impression that lasts.
We all want to be appreciated, to see a light flashing into the eyes of those we meet. But it's not enough to be intelligent, cultivated and charming if you do not know how to make the others aware of your qualities, of who you really are.

Below are some tips that can make the best of you and turn yourself into a magnet for the people around you:
Smile a lot. Research has shown that the more we smile the friendlier and more sympathetic we look for the others and the explanation is simple: our facial expression involuntarily induces a state of comfort in the person we are talking to (by the way, researchers found that there are 19 different types of smiles!).
2. Give feedback
When engaged in a conversation make sure you react to what your interlocutor is saying and show him that your interested and come up with your own opinions only when needed. Studies have shown that humans tend to love those who know how to listen rather than those who know how to talk.
3. Pay attention
Make sure you are aware of the situation you are getting into and you are not going to make a goof. And keep in mind that non-verbal language says a lot. Look into the eyes of the person you are talking to, have a relaxed attitude, do not move from one foot to another and do not cross your arms as a sign of disgust or aggression.
4. Be funny
Don't be afraid to make jokes out of yourself. Do not be afraid to show your vulnerabilities and your sense of humor can be helpful in this respect so that you don't risk being ridiculous. But do not overdo it otherwise it can turn against you and throw a bad light on you.
5. Have a good attitude
Be energetic and full of life. It is contagious! People feel much better near cheerful, full of positive thoughts and pleasant speaking people than near the cynical, sullen and grumpy ones.

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