Thursday, June 2, 2011

Becoming Consistent

By Anna Watkins

Many years ago I selected a formula for success; I wanted to be confident, competent, and consistent. Although all of those attributes work together, I have found consistency to be the toughest.
It may also be the key to attaining confidence and competence as you build the foundation for a successful career, life, or hobby.
Consistency is all about getting the quality of your miss-hits as close as possible to the quality of your good shots.
- Peter Kostis in "5 Keys to Consistency - Tips on Being a Better Golfer"
What jogged my memory about consistency? This past fall I
started taking golf lessons, and I am having a great time returning to the "beginner mind." Fortunately I have some skills and knowledge that are helping me to learn faster. The process of working with a good instructor has really brought me back to the importance of consistency, especially when you are dealing with the laws of physics and physiology.
Every profession and hobby has fundamentals that are essential to success. You must use your mind and body in a certain way to execute necessary actions to fulfill your job. You also apply natural laws in the way that you employ tools that help you to do your job or make that shot.
Consistency requires an intense focus on elements that will become more automatic as you master your craft. In golf these fundamentals include grip, arm position, stance, backswing, keeping your eye on the ball, and proper position for the swing and follow-through. You work with the natural laws to get to your target over and over. If you focus on this correct formula for success, you can recognize what to correct when you make an error. You also realize that you must practice so that you can bring your mental and physical concentration into play and make the correct moves a habit.
I am pleased that I can see parallels with learning to play a musical instrument since that is so familiar to me. Especially when you first start learning, you must concentrate on basics. Eventually you develop muscle memory and an automatic feel for certain techniques. You acquire this by diligent, consistent practice. For children, this may include practice schedule sheets to log your regular practice sessions (and have your parents sign that you really did practice your music lesson.) Adults can and must discipline themselves in the same way.
You can see and hear the results when you are consistent with practicing your craft, your profession, or your hobby. It is so easy to forget this and yet so powerful when you remember and focus on being consistent. What are your basics? Are you being consistent with them?

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