Monday, June 6, 2011

How to Become a Millionaire Using the Law of Attraction

By Fernando Mann

In order to utilize the Law of Attraction well, to attract the money rather than the lack of it, we need to base our thoughts on abundance. I have plenty and there are plenty more out there for me and for everyone. Further, I use the Law of Attraction in a way I can handle. Find a time when you have half an hour to yourself. Find a comfortable, secluded spot that is quiet and relaxing. Sit (or lie) or get comfortable in any way you want. Listen very attentively to the sounds about you. If the room is silent, hear the silence. Become mindful of your breathing. Count thir
ty breaths (in-out one, in-out two). When you have completed this your body and mind will be very relaxed at ease and in the perfect state to proceed. Close your eyes and repeat out loud, "I intend my million dollar idea to present itself to me now. My million dollar idea is here and now and I will that it show itself." Now listen to the silence, centering on what you just said. Every few seconds when you begin to experience your mind meandering, repeat the procedure - say it aloud again, then listen and experience the power of your words as they echo through your being. Continue this for as long as you are able, then become aware of your breathing for ten breaths. Then you can get up and go about your life.
Now you've put out an emotional desire for your million dollar idea to present itself to you. I won't go into it, but the world you perceive around you is actually within you - everything in your external world is merely a representation of something internal. So what you need to do now is to stay cognizant of what you're doing throughout the day. When you're talking to someone, listen very deeply to what they are saying. If you stumble across a book, a magazine, or a proposal of some sort, pay extra attention to it.
What will happen is that something in your external life will happen that will present the million dollar idea to you. Does your friend have a problem that you may have a solution to? Is that answer possibly your million dollar idea? Do you hear someone discussing something they wish they had, but nobody has created it? Do you hear anyone complaining about a lack of something that maybe you could supply?
The peculiar thing is, occasionally your million dollar idea won't sound like a million dollar idea to you at first. As your day goes by (and the following day), write down everything you think could be a suggestion. Dreams are especially important. What you'll start to discover is a pattern based around one definite idea, one certain need that others have. You will start to recognize it over and over again. This is the process of your idea introducing itself to you. Once you're certain you have it, then begin to develop it, and keep faith in yourself.

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