Thursday, June 2, 2011

Positive Thought and the Law of Attraction

By Deborah Ailman

Positive thinking- we've all heard about it, most of us have probably read about it and almost ALL of us think it's a good idea. And ya know what? It is.
Think about it- why would anyone want to be deliberately miserable, thinking thoughts that just sink us further into despair? Why would we deliberately want to greet each day wit a pounding headache and an upset stomach while we ponder all the things that can go wrong as we go through the day?
Good question, right? So what's the right answer?

I really think that people think they're going to be "rewarded" the more they suffer. Somehow, someway the "suffer" police are going to speed down the road to arrive at your home or office and pin a big metal on your chest. You've done it! You've done so well at making yourself miserable that we're going to give you an award. Well done!
Now let's take a moment to recap all those terrific things you've accomplished. Let's's the list and it's a long one....
Okay, you've got an ulcer now...good job. Oh, and high blood pressure...excellent... chronic headache...nice, oh and, you've managed to drive one of your children away and you have no more friends....good for you!!
Is this the kind of "reward" you really want? Do you enjoy having constant butterflies in your stomach while worrying about what every Tom, Dick, and Harry thinks of you?
If so, then don't read any further. Just take you medal and go st in that chair over there and tell it over and over again ow much you love it.
But there could be another way...
What if you woke up each morning and said a silent "thank you" just for waking up above ground? What if you looked around and stopped to appreciate the hot coffee you get from your coffee maker, and the ice cold milk you get from your refrigerator? What if you stopped to appreciate the running water you get to take your morning shower or bath? And the fact that you have clothes to wear? What if you made a list of all those things and read them over and over and found even more wonderful things to add to it?
The Law of Attraction tells us that whatever we "feel" and "think about" for prolonged periods of time tend to manifest themselves in our lives. Knowing that this great universal law is working all the time, wouldn't you rather harness its power for the good it will do you rather than the harm it can cause?
You have the choice each day. Your life is in your own two hands and in the space between your ears. What happens to you is in your control and not in the control of your grandmother, your dog or the neighbor up the block who likes to barbeque in the snow.
Take responsibility of your life today and turn it around for the better.

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