Friday, July 1, 2011

Are You in a Rut? 5 Steps to Get Charging Again!

By Dave Magrogan

Are you in a rut? Moving slowly? Lost your focus? It happens to all of us from time to time. Even successful people get stuck in a down mood or lose their enthusiasm sometimes. The key to success is to know how to get back on the charge! Everyone gets down here and there. The difference is, the successful people get up faster and get down less. The unsuccessful people in life let a failure, a bad experience or a bad day turn into a month long, year long or even decade long rut!
Follow these 5 tips to break your rut. Make sure that you share them if you know anyone else that could be in a rut and help them get charging again!
1. Get Moving! Start your morning with a 20 minute workout. Even a little a exercise starts your energy flowing and changes your blood chemistry. If you can do it outside with nature, do it. It will clear your brain, get your creativity flowing and it help you regain your focus. Any motion is better than no motion.
2. Eat Well and Eat Less! It's amazing how much energy it takes to process heavy and unhealthy food. Eat less meat, and begin to eat less refined food and drinks. Eat more raw fruits, vegetables, lots of pure water and high quality seafood. This will help keep your body clean, your mind will be clearer, and your energy will skyrocket!
3. Re-Charge Activity! Find something you love to do. Go to a movie, read a book, listen to your favorite music or go away overnight. Do something you enjoy to break the routine and reset your mood. When you are down, do something that always makes you smile.
4. Listen to Audio Books! This is a negative world we live in. Listening to some great audio book will definitely benefit you. Plus, you can always have them on in your car, or at the gym, so they can always fit into your schedule.
Listen to the great minds and it will put you back on track. I recommend: Jack Canfield "The Success Principles", Brian Tracy "Maximum Achievement", and Napoleon Hill "Think and Grow Rich." These three all contain positive messages that you can benefit from.
5. Meet with other positive and successful people! Find mentors that can help you or other non-mentor friends and spend time with them! They will lift you up and inspire you. Find a positive inspiring person to put it everything in perspective and help you see your rut from a different perspective! That "rut" that you are in could be filled with positive things as well!

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