Friday, July 1, 2011

Have You Got Your Energy Balance Right?

By Dr Lisa Turner 

Did you know that your success in life is largely down to having a good balance of both masculine and feminine energy? When you have too much or too little of one it can cause your life to seize up like a very stuck thing, or wreak havoc and chaos.
Masculine energy is...
Rational Thought, Logic, Systems, Process, Control, Heat, Stillness, Light, Discipline, Steady State, Status Quo, Consciousness, Structure, Order. It says "NO".
Feminine energy is...
Creative, Inspired, Raw Power, Cool, Dark, Movement, Change, Flexibility, Chaos, Intuition, Permitting, Dynamic. It says "YES".
For example, a project will be a success if you take inspired creativity (feminine energy) and channel it systematically, with a logical plan (masculine energy). The result is you have fabulous finished project. But when the balance is out the result could be very different.
Here are some of the signs your energy is out of balance.
Too Much Feminine Energy
  1. Fuzzy thinking, you can't concentrate, start things but then get distracted and fail to finish things. Is your home or office full of unfinished projects?
  2. You can't focus, you have lots of projects on the go at the same time.
  3. You say yes to things and later regret it.
  4. You find it really difficult to make decisions, and agonise over them for days, weeks or months.
  5. You are disorganised, lose things, forget things or have a "head like a sieve". Sometimes you can't even remember what you said in a meeting yesterday or last week.
  6. Your life is rather chaotic, with your days lacking structure or plans.
Too Much Masculine Energy
  1. You find it very hard to take risks, even if you know it's the right thing and miss great opportunities as a result. Have you ever kicked yourself for saying no to something that later turned out to be a great idea?
  2. You like to have everything planned out to the last detail. You get very stressed when you have to change your plans at short notice or if there isn't a plan.
  3. When circumstances change and you need to adapt, you often don't notice until it's too late.
  4. Others accuse you of being rigid, inflexible or a stickler for rules.
  5. You like to know the "rules" and what's expected. You can't stand it when things seem to be disorganised or if others are making it up as they go along.
  6. You regularly try to make changes in your life, but things just go back to how they were.
Signs You Have Low Energy Generally
  1. You try to manifest money, or things but it never works
  2. Others don't listen or ignore to you. You lack power, authority and presence.
  3. At the end of the day you have been really busy and are exhausted but have little or nothing to show for it.
  4. You attract lots of interest and attention but it's often from people who you really don't want to be around. You find them repellent, but can't seem to shake them off as they stick to you like glue and keep showing up wherever you go.
  5. Your personal relationships aren't working or nonexistent.
  6. You try to get the attention of people who you know will be able to help you and they give you the brush off, you can't connect with them.
  7. You are very spiritual but find it hard to bring your spiritual insights into physical reality. You have great spiritual wisdom, but no-one will listen to you.
But when your energy is working, and you can maintain a dynamic balance of both polarities, success becomes almost inevitable.

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