Saturday, July 16, 2011

How to Achieve Happiness Through Meditation

By Clifford Waite 

To be happy or not to be happy is your choice in life no one else's. You and only you can choose to be happy no matter the situation. That's why meditation is a good way to start finding the level of happiness you want to acquire in your life. When you meditate, you start to be one with yourself because your at a relax state of mind. The mind gets a sense of clarity, and you're able to figure out things in your life that are keeping you from living the life you've always wanted.
The way I use meditation is, I simply write down all the things that would make my life more happy. First I would write down on a piece of paper the necessary steps I need to take in order to achieve more happiness. Whether it would be making more money or building better relationships. I would review the things I had written down and then take a mental note of it. Then I would close my eyes and breath in slowly and take-in everything I just wrote and repeat it over and over internally for several minutes, or until I believe that I can actually take action on the things I have written down to being more happy. Once you believe in your own abilities then you will find your true happiness and feel more fulfilled.
So start writing down everything you want and the steps you need to take to get it. In order for the meditation to work, you have to believe that you can actually do the steps. So don't plan for something that is far beyond your talents. It has to be believable, something you know deep down you can do or else your just going to give up because it got to hard. Simply come up with the best plan that matches your skills.
Also they're some people who fake it till they make it. They pretend to show that they're happy on the outside, but really on the inside they are extremely unhappy and not satisfied with their lives. The way I see it is that, you can only pretend for so long. At the end of the day you're only fooling yourself deep down and that can affect you from achieving the things you want in your life because, it's not believable. Like for instance, if you say that I am going to be a millionaire, but deep down you are doubting yourself, guess what it might not happen. The reason is because, you believe more that you're not going to be a millionaire even though you say you want to be one. Saying it and believing it are two different things.
Meditation is another way of helping you believe in what you are saying and feeling all in one. The connection you have with yourself will be like something you have never experience in your life. So get started and you can begin to be happy way more than being unhappy.

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1 comment:

  1. I have always used mindfulness to become part of
    the moment of doing something and fully engaging.
    For instance, when drinking tea or coffee, fully
    become aware of all aspects of the preparation,
    pouring, and drinking without thinking of
    something else. Just be present, its a great
    exercise and then return to the breath when
