Saturday, July 16, 2011

How to Manifest Your Dreams and Desires

By Lianne Fernandes

Welcome Dear Friend to my world of manifestation. Have you ever wondered how to manifest your very own desires with ease? Have you read about the Law of Attraction and do you truly believe in it? Or do you believe in what you have been programmed to believe through religion, society, family and friends. My dear friends I strongly believe in my God and I know that my God wants the best for all of us. He has given us the power to create our destinies by giving us our own powerful minds. You are much more powerful than you may realize. Now even if you do not believe in God that's okay because these are universal laws and it's for all of us out there in the world. You can manifest your desires, transform your life 360 degrees and impact your world in astonishing ways. For this change you need faith, unwavering faith and positive thoughts. However thinking positive thoughts, believing as if it is already yours etc are not enough because Manifestation is About Alignment...
The Alignment that I'm talking about is the Conscious and Subconscious Alignment. Your Conscious desires and your Subconscious intention must match and have the same vibration. If your Conscious Mind wants money and your Subconscious Mind believes that money is the root of all evil (counter-intention) then it is impossible to create what you want. It's that simple, so all you need to do is start working on altering those limiting, negative pre-programmed beliefs to newer more positive beliefs. You can alter your old subconscious beliefs by repeating positive affirmations and thus raising their vibrations to match your conscious vibrations and becoming completely aligned. If you know what your conscious mind wants and work on your negative subconscious beliefs you will indeed create your own world, you will manifest your desires and dreams.
I would like to share with you a technique I use to align my Conscious and Subconscious thoughts. Whenever I catch myself thinking a negative thought I immediately scream CANCEL, CANCEL in my mind and think of any thought that puts a smile on my face i.e. I replace the negative thought with a happy thought. Once the happy thought brightens up my mood, which happy thoughts always do I start repeating and visualizing a positive affirmation opposite to that earlier negative thought. There are times I add a tune to the affirmation and sing it. To give you an example: I am thinking about not having enough money a negative thought right, so I immediately say cancel, cancel in my mind or if I'm at home I say it out loud and then think of my angelic daughter showering hugs and kisses on me. Once I feel better with thoughts about my baby girl I repeat and visualize one of the many affirmations I have. The affirmation may say I am swimming in the ocean of abundance and I always have money when I need it, or more money flows into my life than flows out. You can create your own affirmations but keep them in the present tense.

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