Friday, July 1, 2011

Success! What Does It Take? No, Really, What Does It Take?

By Peter Hobler 

What is your meaning of "success"? Do you have big dreams you get excited about? Do you have a lifestyle you dream about? Are you living in a location that completely excites you? Are you living in your dream house or driving your dream car? Do you help people and make a difference in their lives every day? Are you the best at what you do? Are you making all the money you want?
Success is different for each of us. It's unique and exclusive. It doesn't matter what someone else thinks about you if you are passionate about what you do. Success is measured by your own one-of-a-kind yardstick.
What does it take for you to measure up, for you to know that you're successful? First, it takes a dream, a reason, a cause, a purpose, a WHY. Whatever it is, it's most important for your WHY to instill passion, to fill you with energy. Each morning when the alarm (whether internal or actually ticking) abruptly interrupts the silence of darkness, you know you've figured out your true WHY when you feel like you can't wait to start the day, like a spark has just ignited your rocket fuel for life and filled you with excitement for your day. When this feeling of anticipation hits you and your brain is pondering all the things your day has in store, when your emotions are planting a broad smile on your face, you know, you can feel, that you will make "success" happen.
When you can strive for daily actions that will result in self-transformation, actions involving being focused on your goals, actions that are positive and passionate, you are on your way.
Always working hard, being creative and innovative, mastering time management*, adding incredible value to people's lives and having valuable and meaningful relationships with truly successful people will directly lead to effectiveness, efficiency and the highest level productivity.
By unconditionally being committed to excellence (versus perfection, which is often not a reality), to always being the absolute best person that you can be in every area of your life, in every way, success will not only be accessible, it will be attainable and realizable!
It goes without saying that honest and integrity are a both a component and a by-product of your intentions, actions, relationships and follow through. Add having fun to the equation, and you will have kick started the Law of Attraction, i.e., what you think, speak and do will attract similar minded and successful people.
There could be a lot more detail in these points. Since "Success" is so different for each of us, sp end some time with each of the above points and write in detail what each component means to you. By doing this, you will be able to customize your life's tailor fitted list for how to actually be successful.
Make a decision. Be committed. Always follow through. Take action, now and each and every day. Be consistent and persistent. Be focused and disciplined. Help those who want your help. Make a difference. Go for it!
Good luck and remember to develop and nurture your Millionaire Mindset and to always keep your "WHY" in mind and in sight!
* A great time management book recommendation is: Dan Kennedy's "No B.S. Time Management for Entrepreneurs".
"Believe In Yourself... Then Empower Others To Do The Same."
I hope this article was helpful for you.

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