Tuesday, August 9, 2011

AdSense Rules - Follow or Risk All

By Gabriele CramerKnebel 

It's quite surprising how many people I talk to who have never bothered to read any of Google's webmaster resources, and it's not unusual for site owners to lose their AdSense accounts or have had them temporarily suspended. It appears to be very difficult to get back in good standing with Google, so it is a good idea to read their rules before you join the game. If you are already receiving AdSense income, or plan on making it a part of your advertising revenue strategy, it may be a good idea to check that you are doing everything correctly - today.
AdSense has rules about how many AdSense for content units that may appear on each web page. You can only have a maximum of three ad units and three link units per page. Google wants websites to be informative and easily navigable by visitors, it also wants to make revenue from its advertisers, but not by making your web pages look like giant advertising billboards!
You can have no more than two AdSense for search boxes on one page, and if you own a website that contains racial, violent or adult content, they do not want their advertising appearing anywhere on your site.
Did you also know that AdSense units cannot appear in any software, pop-ups or within emails?
AdSense allows advertisers to tinker with the colors, shapes and sizes of their ad units but not to the extent that they blend in so well that they become unrecognizable as AdSense advertising. It can be done quite innocently - especially if you want your ads to conform to the overall colors of your site. It's quite easy to make other affiliate advertising you use look exactly like AdSense ads, but by doing that you will be violating their rules - think twice before you do it.
Google expects a web page to contain a minimum amount of helpful, quality content, so if you title a page and put no content on there, but instead populate the page with AdSense units you may get penalized.
Lastly - and this is very important - when Google crawls your site it wants to see a Privacy Policy page. This is essential for every website that contains any advertising. If you build a website with WordPress, there is a free plug in that contains a basic privacy policy that you can use. If your website is build with any other kind of software, there are plenty of websites that can provide you with a Privacy Policy that you can cut and paste and use on your site, after changing a few words.
If you have 15 minutes to spare, read the Google AdSense program policies to ensure that you are in compliance and protect your AdSense income.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6463550

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