Saturday, August 20, 2011

Creating Luck for Yourself - How to Become a Lucky Person

By Trevor Johnson

Sometimes it seems that being lucky is something that's reserved for other people. But actually it's remarkably simple to create luck for yourself. You just need to know the tricks that will help you to become a lucky person.
1. You get what you focus on
This is effectively what the law of attraction states (albeit in a slightly different way) but it applies to all aspects of our life and that includes being lucky.
If your focus is constantly telling you that you're unlucky, that's precisely what you will get. But when you turn your focus around and start to tell yourself that you're one of the luckiest people you know, prepare to be amazed at how well this turns round your fortunes!
2. Expect to win
Expectation forms a very big part of our lives. If we expect that personal thunderstorm to follow us around, day in, day out, then that's probably what will happen.
But if your expectation is that you're going to win, that small shift in attitude gives you an edge over other people.
So expect to win and tell that nasty nagging voice in your head that you're not going to listen to its constant naysaying.
3. Develop your intuition
Much like Gibbs in NCIS listens to his gut - that's another name for intuition.
This doesn't mean that you have to be constantly living by your intuition to the exclusion of everything else around you. But it does mean that you need to start paying more attention to those small signals that can make a really big difference in your life, including how lucky you are.
4. Every cloud has a silver lining - make it your job to find it!
That well worn phrase has a lot of truth in it.
And by talking about clouds, we've come back to that personal thunderstorm that you used to have following you but - now that you're becoming a brighter person - is much closer to a small, pretty, fluffy cloud that brightens up a summers day.
Make a point to hunt down and find the silver lining in any cloud. It's there. All you have to do is dig deep enough and you'll find it.
Plus there's some extra good news - it's often very close to the surface, so there's rarely much digging involved.
5. Develop your own force field
You don't have to be Luke Skywalker to be able to use this force.
Just develop your reactions so that any negative - unlucky - remarks and situations are like the proverbial water off a ducks back.
This takes a bit of time but is great when you start to perfect it. Developing your own force field can literally turn your luck around.
6. Stop being a stick in the mud
Quite often we're less lucky than we should be because we've developed habits that constrain us and stop us from even bumping into the things that can make us lucky.

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