Tuesday, August 9, 2011

How to Increase Your AdSense Earnings Considerably

By Mark Mutiso 

Do you seem to be making peanuts from your blog while other people out there claim to make insane amounts? Don't you think you deserve better? Or at least a few more dollars for your efforts? I know that a dollar a day keeps you blogging. If you seem to be getting something for your efforts you are more likely to work harder to achieve.
So how do you go about making more money from your blog. For one don't go about putting ads on every empty space on your blog. That won't make you money. In fact it is more likely to work against you. I am sure you don't want to interfere with user experience. You don't want to mess with your readers, unless you want your blog to die.
To begin with, you need to choose whether you want to run image ads or text ads. I would recommend both. They both have advantages and disadvantages. Text ads load faster and this reduce the time your site takes to load. On the other hand image ads have a higher click through rate.
Now make sure that the background color is the same as that of your site. People tend to avoid ads and you need to make them as inconspicuous as possible. This will actually increase your click through rate. People may hate adverts but they will never avoid clicking something interesting when they see it.
You might also want to include ads in the text body. Somewhere where readers can't avoid seeing them. At the beginning of the text body, somewhere in the middle or at the end of the post. One or two adverts are enough. Like I just told you readers are king and you don't want to make their experience hell on earth.
Avoid using titles like sponsored ads, Google ads, or any other titles on top of the ads. Like I told you people don't like advertisements that much. They will avoid something that suggests the same like plague.
Vertical ads have a better click through rate than horizontal ones. I can't tell why but research has shown that. Have the big vertical rectangle and you will see a difference in the amount of money you make.
Having ads at the top bar can also do you some good as that is where the eye sees first.
By following this simple tips you will increase your AdSense earnings.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6383191

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