Saturday, August 20, 2011

How to Turn Traffic Into Customers

By Mollie O Grady 

Online Marketing Strategies for Turning Traffic into Sales.
There are THREE general and interlocking stages to running a successful Internet Marketing Business.
FREE Advertising is one of your on line marketing strategies.
Advertising will include ALL the actions which you decide to promote your online company or website. You need to attract interest in your products or services, gather valuable information to provide to your customers about those products or services and assure them of the value of that product or service and your ability to provide what the customer will pay for.
Article writing for online ezines is one option which will cost you nothing. You can register online and start providing some valuable information about your area of business... these articles will be published online and you will be able to provide a link back to your website for your readers.
If you are more comfortable working with visuals, then YouTube will also allow you to open an account with them at no cost and you can upload some short videos of yourself giving information about your product or services.
Social media is also used to great advantage - and is also FREE!
Set up a BUSINESS account and create contacts in the same business as yourself.
SEO is the second of your on line marketing strategies.
Researching demand and supply - when you start out promoting your business, you need to know if there is a demand for your products or services and also, if there is much competition for the market. When people search online, there are certain keywords or search words that they use and you should do some research in this area before you start. There are also products which you can purchase to help with SEO.
If you prefer, you can register - FREE - with Google Adwords and then check which keywords are the best to use in your advertising campaign. Check the numbers who search every month and balance it against the amount of competition in the field. This will help your SEO or Search Engine Optimization and will help the prominence of your website in the search engines.
The Importance of your Website to your Online Marketing.
The first two steps are very important in your business but your website will be vital to retaining customers and making sales. Your website is where the customer will arrive searching for a product or service and they will also expect to place an order or demand quite easily.
For your website to be effective it must be user friendly and the customer will be the website user. Every part of your website should appeal to the customer because in the end of the day, your website is the most powerful of your on line marketing strategies.
You should study the characteristics of your website objectively:
Design - is it easy to find information, is it attractive to look at?
Does it include all necessary information - contacts, prices, delivery details, security?
Are links to other sites working correctly?
Is the website easy to navigate?
Are customers leaving the site without connecting?
Is there a balance between graphics and information?
The most important factor of your business will be if the customer finds a solution to their problem on your website or with your products or services. This is the driving force behind all your online marketing strategies... customer satisfaction.
It is very useful to join discussion forums relating to your niche. You can share ideas and learn about trends in that niche... and keep up to date on products that are doing well and techniques that are working well for others.
Online marketing strategies are vital to all businesses today and the research and effort you put into that aspect of your online business will reward you in sales and profit.
Mollie O Grady is a language teacher and qualified translator. She has spent over 30 years teaching and training in her professional field. She is also the owner of a successful online business and the author of numerous articles on setting up an online home business. All she has learned in this industry is tried and tested and she shares her information with her readers in her blog. Now YOU also have the unique and valuable opportunity to access ALL the resources and information needed to set up an online business in seven straightforward steps.

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