Saturday, August 20, 2011

Is There An Easy Way To Manifest Anything?

By Trevor Johnson

If you're a follower of the law of attraction, you'll know that movies like The Secret make out that you can manifest near enough anything you want just by getting into the right vibration. But is that true? And, if it is, how on earth do you put it into practice? Here are some ideas for an easy way to manifest anything you want.
1. Have a clear idea of the end result
This is probably the most important step in the whole manifestation process.
If your idea of what you want is foggy or otherwise unclear, you're putting blocks in the way of the manifestation process. Maybe not insurmountable blocks (attraction is a really strong force) but definitely ones that will impede your path.
So spend a bit of time getting what you want to manifest crystal clear in your mind. Then hone the idea further over the following days. And revisit it in a week or two just to make sure that what you thought you wanted is indeed what you want.
Because quite a lot of the time our ideas shift over time but we're still headed for the old destination through force of habit.
2. Keep your focus
Not constantly, obviously, because there are countless other things going on in your life. But definitely don't let whatever it is you're trying to manifest fade from view.
An easy way to do this is to set up triggers or reminders to keep your focus on track.
These don't have to be complicated - if you've got a reminder system on your cell phone, all you need to do is set up a reminder each week (or day or whatever) and the device will bleep at you. Even if you just press the confirm button, that will be enough to send the trigger through to your subconscious mind because you've got to be conscious at some level about whatever you've just confirmed.
Other easy reminders are computer screen savers - and the one you can set on your mobile phone if you've got a friendly teenager at hand to show you how to do that. Plus printouts, Post It notes and anything else you can use to prompt your mind to keep on track until your manifestation process is complete.
3. Minimize distractions
You know the feeling on this - something else comes along and takes up most of your spare time, to the exclusion of the things you'd really like to be working on. And the procrastination part of you goes along with this and helps you focus on the distractions rather than follow the course you originally planned.
The field of human endevor is littered with this kind of event.

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