Thursday, August 18, 2011

Rise From Failure!

by Budi Martanto

you have experienced failure?

Sure! Every person must have failed to SUCCESS! Unless you who do not want to be successful!

Everyone must have experienced periods of struggle towards SUCCESS. To achieve success, there is always the price that must be paid!
So, what price success?
PRICE OF SUCCESS large or small depending on risk. The greater the risk, the greater the level of success. And the biggest risk here is a Failure!
Failure is a word that is not pleasant to hear, and no one else in this world who want or want to experience failure.
Successful people think, that failure is temporary, not permanent.
Make your failures as part of the circuit CHAPTER BOOK YOUR LIFE. Failure is not your life cover. Unless you give up too early!
Nah! If you have experienced failure, no matter how big your keggalan level. Do you give up. Take a POSITIVE ATTITUDE! Learn from failures, evaluate and do the actions to YOUR SUCCESS! You have to STAND UP AND BE A WINNER in life!

Hopefully helpful!

@ budimartanto

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