Wednesday, September 7, 2011

How To Stop Self Sabotaging

By Trevor Johnson 

Sometimes we're our own worst enemies and we come up with all sorts of devious ways of self sabotaging that even Wile E Coyote would envy. So if you're forever indulging in self sabotage, what can you do to get out of the habit?
Stop procrastinating
Or at least reduce it.
Procrastination is probably the biggest form of self sabotage that we can indulge in.
After all, if you don't start something then it's darn near impossible to complete it.
If you catch yourself procrastinating, recognize it for the act of self sabotaging that it is and devise your own system to stop yourself putting things off. Personally, I find one of the easiest ways is to start doing whatever it is I'd try to put off, before I give myself the chance to procrastinate on it.
Stop putting yourself down
This is another nasty way to self sabotage yourself.
If you're forever putting yourself down and belittling yourself, your subconscious will begin to believe what you're telling other people and will start to modify the way you act to bring your real life into line with you idea of yourself.
Next time you catch yourself putting yourself down, put a stop to it. Mid sentence if need be. Shrug off whatever you've started to say or turn the comment round so that it's positive.
The same goes for anyone who puts you down on a regular basis. Work on ways to reduce your contact with them or, if that's not possible, tell them straight that they're undermining you (or get a friend to act as a mediator on your behalf)/.
Interrupt the patterns you run
There's a good chance that at least some of your self sabotaging follows a pattern.
Take some time out to analyze what the triggers are that cause you to sabotage yourself - there are probably a handful that are the regular offenders - and then devise a plan to interrupt them as they take shape.
This could be as simple as telling yourself to snap out of it. Or distracting yourself or changing "direction" slightly.
Feel free to experiment until you find a couple of ways that work best for you. Then implement them as often as possible when you find yourself trying to sabotage whatever it is you're doing.
Stop beating yourself up
This is often a big problem for people.
They start off by sabotaging themselves and then they chastise themselves after the event for following through with the sabotage.
The past is in the past. Get over it. Whatever you did can't be changed so don't run through a post-mortem every time you do something that has the effect of sabotaging yourself.
Go a bit easier on yourself and spend the time that you would have spent going ape at yourself more constructively.

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