Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Life - An Evolutionary Process

By Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, PhD

Life is meant to be an evolutionary growth process, which means then that no matter how good your life has become, no matter how available you are in the Laws of Life - you are on a continuous evolutionary process. If you are on a stationary plain, you might notice you feel stagnated or that life is passing you by. You are right. Life was meant to be continuously in an evolutionary pace. However, this is not to say that you need to be creating something earth-shattering every day. To the contrary, it simply means that you need to have a vision for the next phase.
Many people say they want success, but any time one agrees that conditions are difficult, and also talks about how life is unfair, or holds negative thoughts they are out of harmony with the Universal flow of life. Talking about unfairness or holding negative thoughts locks the energy flow is at a lower level of existence and out of harmony with the thing one says one wants. Thus, you are creating resistance against with what you say you want.
Of course, the question is how does one open up? By being in agreement with all that is prosperous and using every means at your command to make it easy for prosperity, abundance and the free flow of life to come into existence. Stop negative beliefs - i.e. how life is unfair Believe that prosperity and abundance is available for everyone.
On this journey called life, difficult issues come about - fair or unfair as it may seem. It is paramount to remember that there is an answer greater than the problem you are experiencing. All problems seem daunting or overwhelming when you have the attitude that things in life are fair or unfair. It is only daunting and overwhelming until you apply the right thinking, and then, the solution reveals itself.
The cliché that unfairness and making mistakes is part of life is what keeps you locked into what you fear the most - unfairness and making mistakes. The power of the Universe is consistent for everyone and in all things. The Universe is available to everyone and everything in the same fashion and intensity. Through proper thinking about the problem, challenges and vicissitudes you have access to the power to receive the answers you need.
Where you are right now as you read this; take a deep breath and accept, that your greatest answer is seeking to emerge through you. All answers to all life's questions are waiting for you to discover them. All you need to do is look, listen and trust.

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