Saturday, October 1, 2011

Reporting Credit Card Fraud

By Gene Perez 

There is no doubt about the fact that credit card fraud is quite a bad nightmare for plenty of individuals whose financial status is dependent entirely on a good credit score. If you want to protect yourself from such situation, you need to have a proper understanding of methods that can help you in reporting credit card fraud case to the concerned authority.
The first step that you need to take is to get a free credit report online. You also have an option of calling a credit agency. It is worthwhile pointing out that every individual is given a permission of one free credit report on an yearly basis.

Apart from taking this step, it is quite vital that you file a police report as well. To do this, you just need to call the polices officials of your locality. Getting a hard copy of the police report is not that tough provided your complaint is registered.
Another important thing that you need to do is to explain your whole situation to your bank and freeze all your accounts. In some cases, it is also a good option to modify your account number so that no one can access it freely. You need to call the phone number that is mentioned on the credit card back portion. With this, you will get to know about all the charges that are associated with your credit card.
To report credit card fraud, you also have an option of the Federal Trade Commission. The best part about Federal Trade Commission is that they will be able to give you additional inputs with regard to your credit record.
Make sure that you contact your credit company immediately and explained to them that your card has been misused or stolen. When you contact them, you will find that they will put a fraud alert on it. At the time of getting a free credit report, it is always a best option to take initiative from the start rather than wasting time as it can ruin the situation even more. You would be surprised to hear that often new details will take some time to get included in your credit report.
To avoid credit card frauds, it is advisable that you opt for a secure online banking account with the help of your bank. This will give you an opportunity to monitor charges that are being linked up with your card.

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