Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Quotes on Life

'God often takes a course for accomplishing His purposes directly contrary to what our narrow views would prescribe. He brings a death upon our feelings, wishes, and prospects when He is about to give us the desire of our hearts.' John Newton
The marathon is a long distance road race that spans 42.195 kilometres (26 miles and 385 yards), the first Marathon was run after 490 BC to commemorate the death of a soldier called Pheidippides. This soldier (who must have struggled to say his own name as a child!) was sent to Sparta to request re-enforcements when an invading Persian army landed at Marathon in Greece.
To deliver this message, Pheidippides (come on, you can say it) ran 240 Kms (150 miles) in two days. Because of his actions a great and mighty battle ensued. Once the Greeks were victorious, our unpronounceable hero ran the 40 km (25 miles) from Marathon to Athens to deliver the word "Νενικήκαμεν" (Nenikékamen, 'We have won'). Upon which he collapsed and died on the spot because of exhaustion.

I like happy endings, and this doesn't seem quite the ticket. Yes our feisty friend Pheidippides got a race named after him that has been included in the Olympic games ever since. But he didn't get to see it. Sometimes it's easy to feel like that. That you are never going to make it, your dreams are never going to be fulfilled, that you are going to lose everything you care about. But this is God's promise to us -
'He won't brush aside the bruised and the hurt and he won't disregard the small and insignificant, but he'll steadily and firmly set things right.' Isaiah 42 v3, The Message
So if you are running your own marathon right now, take heart that even when you are thoroughly exhausted and even dead in your troubles. Whatever your physical circumstances, He is working out a greater plan on your behalf. The most amazing part of the story of Jesus is that after He died, he rose again. He did not stay dead and no more will you. Believe in this Resurrection life.
Not one teardrop
Some days my mind is full of shadows,
Doubt creeps quietly as the daylight ends,
Sorrow clouds to the far horizon,
Yesterday's enemies become my friends.
Then it seems like I'm falling,
Far away from You Lord,
Fear says that You won't find me,
Doubt says is this all there is?
Is this all?
Climbing up these mountains of confusion,
The air is bitter, icy cold,
All my troubles carried on my shoulders,
My heart can't carry this heavy load...
Then a voice breaks the silence,
Something You said long ago,
Even though I may falter,
You will never let me go.
Not one teardrop goes unnoticed,
Not one heart break You can't mend,
Not one burden You can't carry,
You won't break me when I bend.
A bruised reed You will not break,
A smouldering candle You will not snuff out...
(Not One Teardrop by Claire Vorster, January 2005)
Claire Vorster is a Professional writer with 20 years successful Corporate writing experience, both in the US and the UK. She specialises in inspirational and motivational writing and editing for Corporate clients, magazines, newspapers and online markets.
Claire writes a daily inspirational Blog and is equally at home with WordPress, social networking including Facebook and Twitter, list building and SEO.
Claire writes persuasive and precise motivational copy. With your voice, to your brief, to your deadline

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/4505204

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