Sunday, May 22, 2011

3 Tips to Stop Procrastination: How to Stop Procrastinating and Get Motivated

By Dante Romero

Procrastination can be a problem. Waiting to do things usually causes stress. And sometimes things never get done. But fixing this habit is easy. This article will show you simple tactics for getting motivated. They take a minimal effort and pay off nicely. Read on...
Time Awareness Stops Procrastination
Try this simple trick. But, first some needed background. A study at the University of Michigan proved something. The 47 participants were required to take a photograph of everything they ate before eating it. As a result, they lost more weight. Here's why.

The simple act of making yourself aware affects your decisions subconsciously. Even though you are not aware of it. You can use this to stop procrastination.
Start keeping track of how you spend your time. Whether on paper or in a computer spreadsheet. When I first did this, I was shocked. Try it for yourself, and you will be too. It feels like you are trying so much every day, but the truth is you can do much better. But, this is a good thing...
Because it means that there is room for improvement. This simple awareness of what you are doing with your time, will start to push you towards using it more wisely. Wait, there's more.
Use Short Deadlines to Stop Procrastination
A looming deadline. It has a subconscious effect on you. Something about the clock ticking down makes you feel like you have to do it. And usually someone who struggles with procrastination has another problem.
Once they sit down to get it done, not much gets done. They spend a lot of time thinking with a pen in their hand. ( I've been there too many times ) This is easily fixed.
Start using a timer for all projects. ( whether on your cell phone, your PC or elsewhere ) Set a short deadline that seems impossible to meet. This will pressure you to cut out all unnecessary thinking. You'll automatically be doing only what you need to get it done. ( this article had a 40m deadline for example ) But there's one last thing you need to know.
How to Get Motivated
"Just get on the plane."
-William Zinsser
Getting started is the hardest part. Once you do, it's easy to keep going. Working out is easy to procrastinate. But once you are at the gym - well, you are already there and - it gets done. The trick is to just get started.
It's simple. These 3 things will stop procrastination. The more you do them, the easier it becomes to get things done.

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