Sunday, May 22, 2011

2 Tips to Stop Procrastinating: A Simple Tactic to Get Motivated and Make It Easy to Get Things Done

By Dante Romero

Beating procrastination is tough. But, you want to start getting things done. Some things just have get done in life. And, procrastination can be beat. Every problem has a solution, but you must...
See The Problem Clearly
Here's a story. If you go to a circus you'll notice something odd ( you'll see in just a minute why this is important ). Well, aside from the usual suspects of clowns and giants, you'll notice the elephants. They aren't odd themselves but what they are doing is.

There are chained to the ground. And there is a small wooden peg chained to their ankle. That's a 12,000 pound elephant. And its chained to a stick. It could easily walk away. Why don't they?
The elephants stay there because of what they learned. When they were babies that same stick was there. And they struggled to escape. But it never worked. As they grew up they remembered that lesson. Are humans so different?
We aren't. Some people don't think they can write because they failed English in the 7th grade. Things can stick with you. And some problems were created more recently. Consider this.
This is an example from my own adventures in procrastination. I had left the United States six months earlier and was staying in Malaysia ( I was hunting for an adventure at the time ). I found myself putting off practicing my writing. I wanted to be able to print out the works of Joe Sugarman so I could study them. And this next part is really odd.
I had myself convinced I needed to go back to the U.S. to do it. ( Yes, I had myself convinced it would take a $1,300 plane ticket for me to use a printer ). A few days later I realized that A) I can go to a print shop and B) I can buy a printer in Malaysia if I want one. I was blown away by how much I fooled myself. I could do what I wanted to right now. But, here's the most important question.
Have you been doing the same thing?
It's okay. We've all been there. I'm going to give you a way to overcome this problem. Here's how you can...
Uncover What's Really Holding You Back
Get yourself a small notebook that fits in your pocket or purse ( depending on your preference ). Every time you catch yourself procrastinating, ask yourself why. Write down the first reason that comes to mind. Here's why.
At the end of the day, go through this journal and look at what you wrote. Ask yourself, do these problems exist? Likely you can eliminate most of them ( cross out all offenders ). Circle any of them that are legitimate problems that hold you back from getting something done. For example.
I sometimes can't focus on writing an article. I use a computer and Facebook is right there. So are e-mail and blogs. ( things very effective at seeming busy while doing nothing ) So I will disconnect my PC from the internet.
For each thing you circled, figure out a way to solve it. Make it easier for you to get things done. Phone keeps ringing?
Turn it off while you work. Something nagging at your mind? Write it down and let it go.
Once you get rid of everything that holds you back, it becomes easy to sit down - and get it done.

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