Sunday, May 22, 2011

Living With Your Passion

By Jackie McKay

What am I passionate about? Leading a values-based healthy lifestyle, using alternative remedies for my health care and deepening my learning about the spiritual laws of business and success. I have been interested in alternative therapies and spirituality since I was a kid. My mom says I was always picking up "odd" books and reading magazines that had anything to do with holistic health therapies and spirituality. I begged my parents to take me to church but this is not in our family lineage.

I always hung around the alternative kids in school and I also became addicted to exercise and being outdoors when I was 24. A guy broke my heart and as a result I resorted to filling my new found time with taking up boxing, training for triathlons and participating in any activity that I could get an endorphin rush out of. These days, as a mom entrepreneur making time for my daily spiritual practice and any type of exercise where I can belt out a "woo hoo" or be outside at least once a day for a minimum of 30 minutes makes me a happy camper. (I'm pretty spazzy if I don't!)
However, I'm beyond passionate for exercise and spirituality. I have to say I am obsessed with them. Ask any member of my family. And when I say obsessed I mean beyond just having a serious exercise and meditation regime.
I read health/spiritual magazines and books on all my vacations. My office is filled with inspirational objects - my vision board, quotes, candles, crystals, and my favourite books. I keep a shrine beside me of things that inspire me. I run a weekly A Course In Miracles meet up in Calgary. I follow the work of Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra, Esther and Gerry Hicks, Louise Hay, Marianne Williamson and my own coach Fabienne Frederickson closely on Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, etc. I have made a point to meet them in person.
I think my obsession is good - it teaches us to focus on what you believe in passionately - no matter what. When I honour my values and dig deep within myself to become the woman I want to be for myself, my family, my friends, my clients and my community I feel more comfortable in my own skin. It has a ripple effect on everyone around me. My daughter is being taught at a young age that she can become whoever she wants to be. And she loves exercising too! My family is taking more of an interest in my learning's and are starting to change their own paradigm more and more - welcoming in fewer struggles. And my relationship with others has deepened.
I see myself as I write this article - I could continue on and on and on - but maybe not everyone is as crazy obsessed with this stuff as I am. And, wondering "what does this have to do with being a prosperous healer?" But, it does show people how it is good for the soul (and the business) to embed obsession into their values.
Now, I'm also obsessed with helping healers build prosperous practices. It started out as a side thing I would do for other semi-successful therapists, colleagues and students who were new to the alternative health industry and who just didn't have a full practice. I've always had this business thing in my genes - my best friend remembers me saying that I would be a successful independent business woman one day. So it' no surprise my studies began with marketing and business courses in school. I've also taken it upon myself to work with very high level spiritual/business mentors. I've learned everything I could about marketing and then some. I took this passion for business and then went even further - to see what I could do for my practice.
The results? I went from zero clients to a full practice in 6 months when I first started out. In 8 years, I have always had a practice that was bursting at the seams. My schedule was (and still is) filled 6 months out. I still see many of my clients from the last 8 years (I don't take any new manual therapy clients). I've been able to have a family, work only 3 days a week with clients, I take the last week off every month from working with clients and I take regular time off. I even decided to teach this stuff at Foothills College of Massage Therapy back in 2007. And now I'm coaching on it.
You could say I took my wealth of business/marketing/spiritual knowledge and turned it into creating a lifestyle that honours all parts of me. This is something people can learn from easily in a step-by-step manner to implement in their own life and business so they can see similar results. Now, I'm obsessed with teaching and sharing how you can authentically fill your practice and embed your own sense of spirituality into it. I'm glad you are here...
Until then... Happy Practice Building to you! Now go heal your peeps and be prosperous!

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