Sunday, May 22, 2011

Master Your Life - Finding Your Car Keys Considered

By Lance Winslow

Not too long ago, I was talking to an individual who happened to run an online business which specialized in helping others market their products and services, and we got onto the topic of dealing with achievement and success. Perhaps you've seen all the self-help books and success seminars that are being offered - some of them on DVD, and you can buy them in e-books, or you can go to a seminar that happens to be in your area. Indeed, it's been years since I've done anything like that, and back in the
day, all we had were sets of tapes to listen to.
Nevertheless as we got to talking, my acquaintance said to me; "You're so lucky to have found the key to mastering your life. Many look." Indeed, I found this to be an interesting comment, but to me success and achievement are one with will, determination, hard work, and perseverance. Those are not necessarily things you have to go and look for, everyone has them, but no one wants to put in the effort to make it happen. Therefore, I told my acquaintance that success can be achieved if you want it bad enough.
I also made another comment which I think might be of value to you and that is this; I think too many people get confused on how everyone else wants them to live their life, rather than realizing they own their own life, and they should live their life their way. I think it also makes you a better person because, once someone believes in freedom and liberty, they instinctively want that for everyone else too.
My acquaintance agreed with what I had to say, and put it in slightly other words; "And they also put up with a lot less crap from other people! I think that following your heart makes you a better person because you're living according to your own purpose, using your inborn talents, and growing in the direction of your best, highest self."
If you intend to master your own life, then you have to find your car keys, put them in the ignition, plan out your route, and start driving. It is the driven individual, the one who has chosen to get it done, and knows where they're going who will eventually succeed.
Yes there will be speed bumps, traffic lights, and traffic also along the way. But if you know where your destination is, and you persevere to get there, as long as you have enough gas in that car, you will finally reach that destination. Indeed I hope you will please consider all this and think on it.

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