Sunday, May 22, 2011

On The Roots of Chance, Isn't it Time to Dance?

By Lance Winslow

They say if you don't know where you're going, that any road will take you there. And leaving things up for chance, may not lead you in the right direction, or maybe you will get lucky. But the best way to get lucky is to be prepared to accept opportunities as they come forth, and they surely will. After all, life is a series of choices, and if you make all the right moves, you may get further faster than anyone else, or you might make a decision that appears to be the correct one, but would have been better off leaving it up to chance, and braving the future while doing a dance.

Occasionally, it makes sense to just play it by ear, and not make any plans at all. Chance can be a wonderful thing, going with the flow and not worrying about where it's taking you. To do this you must trust yourself, and know that you will figure it out as you go, and you must be unafraid and unabashed, and although it isn't for everyone, those who often throw caution to the wind, and are willing to figure it out as they go, fall into some great opportunities. I know I have.
Living a structured life is one choice, choosing to dance is quite another. Perhaps a combination of the two is right for you, but I would submit that if one lives a life by others terms, in a structured environment, one which is preplanned, and predestined, it can't be all that fun. Being willing to adjust your schedule, or figuring it out as you go well, there is a lot to be said for that. Perhaps you want to start a business and you have an entrepreneurial personality?
Perhaps you are a creative type involved in improv, maybe you are an artist, musician, and maybe you just like to innovate, to be different, or go against the grain once in a while. Life is to be lived, and if you live a life being told what to do, and you are careful only to do the politically correct, the appropriate thing each and every time, in the end you may have lived a decent life, but you will never know what you missed. And by the time you figure out what I just said, your life might be over, or coming to a close. Indeed, I also hope you choose to dance, and thanks for listening, my name is Lance

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