Friday, May 20, 2011

Money, Love and Beliefs

By Si Duncan

There is so much emotion connected with money and just as many opinions, judgments and statements. There are songs, sayings and numerous books on the subject. Money pervades just about everything in our society. It has become one of life's essentials, but what is it exactly? Money is of no use in and of itself, rather it is a root to other things, both material and otherwise. And why do many peo
ple find it so difficult to have and hold onto money whilst for others it flows easily? Like so many things, it comes down to beliefs.
Everyone is brought up with beliefs about money. These beliefs stem from what we hear and see around us, and how we interpret that.
'Money doesn't grow on trees', 'Money doesn't make you happy' or 'Money is the root of all evil' are just 3 of the multitude of negative beliefs that we hear about money. Added into this mix is the fact that we all need money, there are huge industries set up for the sole purpose of making money, there are more get rich schemes that you could count and millions of people die in poverty whilst others have more money than they know what to do with.
It's a very confusing world as far as money is concerned. Or so it seems.
Your relationship with money is entirely dependent on your beliefs about it and about yourself in relation to it. As an example, if you believe, either consciously or subconsciously, that money confers status whilst at the same time believing like so many do, 'I'm not good enough', then you cannot accept money in your life as the two beliefs are contradictory. If money should come to you, somehow you quickly get rid of it.
So how does this work?
You create your reality. What you give out into the world is what comes back to you. That is the 'like attracts like' principle. However what you think you give out may not necessarily match with what you actually give out, and that is where your beliefs come into play. Your beliefs are your overriding energy pattern. They are born of a lifetime of experiences and are ingrained into your subconscious. Every thought you think and every feeling you have has an energy connected with it, and that energy goes out into the world and contributes to forming your reality. So if you think poor or negative thoughts and feel poor or negative feelings then you create a poor reality. Of course the converse is true too, however behind all your thoughts and feelings are your beliefs, so you can affirm positive statements all you like, but if your underlying belief is negative, then negativity in one form or another is what will manifest.
So drop all those beliefs that do not serve you. Stop believing that you're not worthy, stop believing that money is corrupt, stop believing that nobody loves you. They are only beliefs and they're not even yours - most of them came from your parents, school or society. It is time to let go. It is time to start loving every aspect of life, money included.
Most of all, it is time to start loving yourself.
Only when you do this can your life start to turn around. For some this comes in the form of a life transforming epiphany, for most it comes little by little as they uncover the many layers of negative beliefs and replace them with love. Every day and every moment is an opportunity to love life, to change beliefs, to accept love, peace, joy and abundance in all its forms into your life. Change your life now. Connect with the love that is always there by dropping the beliefs that supposedly keep you safe, but which in reality imprison you. Allow your love to show itself and to go out into the world, and gratefully and gleefully accept it when it comes back to you in whatever form. You really are worth it.

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