Friday, May 20, 2011

The Flow of Money and How to Allow It in Your Life

By Si Duncan

Money flows. Or not, as the case may be. Actually money always flows. The only time it appears not to flow is when there is something restricting it. It doesn't stop flowing, it's just that at the point of the obstruction the flow rate is zero, so instead is will flow somewhere else more conducive.
What's the flow of money like in your life?
Water flows too. Easily and readily, though it too cannot flow where there is an obstacle. But it isn't bothered, it just flows around if it can. If it can't flow for whatever reason, it just sits and slowly dissipates until it dries up. Of course what water really likes is more water. First a drop, then a trickle, a stream, a river and finally the ocean. A continuous cycle.
So what is happening in your life? What are the boulders in your stream which restrict or divert the flow of money? More importantly, how can you shift them and allow the money to flow easily?
Think of yourself as a lake. A money lake. Money (water) flows in to feed this lake at one end, and at the other end it flows out. In theory it's a healthy balance. However there are many different types of lakes in the world. Some are large and steady and enjoyed by many, whilst others dry up completely on a regular basis. Whatever type of lake you are, my guess is that you would like at least to maintain a healthy body of water with an inbound flow which at least matches the outflow.
Let's imagine that. Close your eyes and picture yourself as a lake - ideally one that you know and that has always been there. The size is up to you. You may be a huge lake person or just a local leisure lake or reservoir. You are very beautiful and you hold a lot of life and give enjoyment to many people. At one end, and maybe at various other points, there are rivers which flow into you, constantly replenishing you. They have a reasonably steady and reliable flow and will always be there. They bring fresh water, life and a wonderful energy to you.
Notice how this feels. Revel in that feeling. Enjoy it. Feel secure in it in the knowledge that it is always there. Allow it to fill you up and surround you. Then when you are ready, start to share this feeling knowing that as you do so, not only will it touch others, but it will further enhance your feeling. Bring your focus to the outflow of your lake for this is your means of sharing. As the water flows out, it allows space for more fresh water to flow in. There is a constant flow of fresh water which rejuvenates and encourages growth and life, and which passes on to others to allow them to grow and benefit too. All the time you are this wonderful and ever flowing body of water, teaming with life and peace and joy.
Stay with this for as long as you like and then open your eyes when you are ready.
That feeling - the one that you identified - is what will help you to allow the flow of money in your life. Feel that feeling every day until it becomes a part of who you are, for it is that feeling that will attract more of what gives you that feeling into your life.
As you feel, so you create. As you are, so you become

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