Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Replacing Your Negative Beliefs

By Corwin Smith

High school motivational speakers often talk about success, but rarely mention that we need to change our beliefs in order to achieve great success. Our beliefs about ourselves are what determine the types of outcomes we have in life. Don't have what you really want in life? It's because your beliefs haven't allowed you to get there. Some beliefs are going to empower you, some are going to be negative, and some will not really have any effect either way.
First, we need to identify what are the more empowering beliefs that you have in your life. What are some of those beliefs that you have that really empower you to make a positive impact? It could be
beliefs such as, "I'm worthy," "I'm funny," "I deserve to have good things," "I'm smart." There are a lot of them. What are some of those in your life?
Now it's time to identify our negative beliefs. What are some of the negative beliefs that you have? What are some of the things that are holding you back? For example, "I'm not smart," "I'm fat. That's just the way I am," "I'm shy," "I don't like to meet new people," "I can't become wealthy," "I can't find a job that I love." These are all common negative and self-limiting beliefs that will hold a person back from having what he really wants.
What are some of those beliefs that you have? Come up with at least a list of three beliefs that are holding you back.
First, it's important to celebrate our positive beliefs and appreciate that they are there. We want to make those more front and center.
On the other hand, we need to do something about our negative beliefs. We can't however just remove the negative beliefs because you can't remove a belief. You have to replace it. You have to replace a negative belief with something that is more empowering.
For example, if your belief is that, "I'm shy," you can't just remove that and say, "Okay, now I'm extroverted." That's probably unrealistic. Your brain is going to tell you, "Whoa, whoa, whoa, we don't know each other."
Rather than saying, "I'm shy," you could say, "Right now, I am nervous around new people but that is something that I can change." Being shy is not a character trait. It is just a behavior, something that is basically a product of being nervous around meeting a new person.
Replacing the belief that, "I am shy," with, "I get nervous around people, but it's something that I can work on and develop," is a much more empowering belief and it's not something that your brain is going to come back to you and say, "Whoa, whoa, whoa."
Going through this process with all of your negative beliefs will take some effort and practice. After writing out your new beliefs put them on a 3x5 card and carry them around with you. Read them often. It takes time, but replacing your negative beliefs will allow you to finally create the life you actually want. Who knows, maybe someday you will join the ranks of high school motivational speakers and share your message with young people!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6252126

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