Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Law Of Attraction, Motivation and Action

By Teddy Dutch Danfield

I have read a ton of personal development and goal setting books. Many authors tell you that you need to start with a plan before you begin. The other common advice is to know how you want you business to look 20 years from now.
All Thinking and No Doing
The problem many others and I have is people spend all their time planning with very little time doing.
I started this year off differently than in other years. Thanks to Bob Proctor and
his recordings who opened me up to The Law of Attraction and not having a specific plan.
The Law of Attraction and the Difference It Makes
The Law of Attraction states that you have to take action to see different results. The action will lead to motivation to keep acting. I started a couple different websites or blogs for that matter with a simple plan: Let's see where this will lead.
Nothing more than just starting to take action and keep motivated by the action. It has been interesting year so far. I have accomplished several items I did not know about to being the year. Books and circumstances seemed to open up in my favor.
See What You Can Do
You need to open yourself up and to see what you can do. This is what I did with my ideas. Now some of my ideas did not work out. How did I figure out they did not work? I took action on my ideas. Here's the funny part. Even though my initial idea did not work out. The action on my idea led to something that did work out.
In fact, you are reading this article because I decided to act and stay motivated while seeing where my actions would lead.
My journey is just beginning and I look forward to seeing how the Law of Attraction will be working as I take more and more action on my ideas.
The key to my plan is to take action and see what opportunities come into my life. You can do the same. The mistake so many people make is the old paralysis by analysis. Quit questioning whether or not a plan will work. The one thing I can guarantee is no action will lead to no accomplishment.
Today start with my simple plan: Let's see where this leads. The action will open more doors than just planning.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6250164

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