Friday, May 20, 2011

So, You Want to Be a Millionaire, Do You?

By Steve Youngman

The desire for people to achieve millionaire status is universal. There are no lack of programs, courses, membership programs and mentors purporting to show you how to make millions.
Yet, with all this valuable knowledge and education out there, most people are still not achieving the wealth they desire. So, what is the problem?
Is it the program or is it the individual "using" the program?
In this context, the term "using" is probably the wrong word. For some reason, around 90% of people that invest in business or personal development programs NEVER get past the first chapter. They never actually "use" the program to start with.

This figure is very disturbing and explains why most people fail to achieve their goals. The failure to follow through and take action is the number one reason most people fail to become millionaires.
Their failure has nothing to do with the programs they invest in. Yes, while some programs are garbage and don't deliver on what they promise, the majority of business programs do work, and if implemented as taught, can make the students millions of dollars.
The programs are not the problem, rather it's the individual that is the problem.
This is the opposite view taken by most people, especially the get rich quick junkie, who bounces from one program to the next, always looking for that magic bullet. Until you realize you are the problem, you will never become a millionaire.
People seem to like buying programs, but they are not too keen on using them. They invest money in the programs but then they don't invest the time and effort to make them work.
One reason for this lack of action is due to the fact that becoming a millionaire, or getting rich, is not a priority for them in their life.
The desire to become a millionaire must be the number ONE priority in your life. It must be more important than anything else you do. This means you must spend the most amount of time, energy and effort into it.
Once you are a millionaire, you can then change your priorities. Most people fail because "becoming a millionaire" is not their number one priority. In most cases, it's not even a priority to begin with. Other distractions take up their time.
This can easily be proven by looking at their habits. These 3 questions will illustrate this point.
How many hours a day do they spend working towards becoming a millionaire?
How many hours of TV a day do they watch?
Is this second number larger than the first?
For most people, the answers to the above questions are 0, 4 and yes.
They spend no time working on their financial goals, yet can somehow squeeze in a few hours of TV everyday. It is clear from their habits and actions that watching TV is a bigger priority in their life than getting rich.
Clearly, in that case, you are not going to become a millionaire if you spend no time on that goal.
You must change your priorities to change your results.
Once something is a priority, you then allocate time to it. This time is when you take action on implementing all that knowledge found in the business programs.
If you say you want to be a millionaire, but you are not acting in a way to make yourself a millionaire, you are lying to yourself.
Your actions should speak louder than your words. So, do you still want to be a millionaire?
Yes, then make it a priority

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