Friday, May 20, 2011

Understanding the True Nature of Wealth

By David A Bradley

If I say to myself I want to be rich, what does that mean? I take it to mean you want an abundance of that every you wish to be rich in. This could be money, relationships or health. To be rich in any of those areas you have to create it. You do not attract it, it is not out there waiting for you just to draw it in. When you first meet somebody who later becomes you friend. They are not a friend who you have attracted, in the beginning they are just somebody you have met who has the potential to become
a friend. The friendship only comes about because you create it. In is the same with financial wealth. Lots of people operate from the belief that there is at finite supply of this wealth, for one person to have more somebody must have less. It is like saying because we have become friends, there is now less friendship left for everybody else, when in fact you have increased the amount of friendship in the world.
We make the mistake of confusing money with wealth. If a car costs £20,000 you may make the mistake of saying I am worth £20,000 because I own this car. The real wealth is the car and what it does for your life. Now suppose somebody developed ways of manufacturing the car so they could sell if for £10,000 this car will improve your life just as much as the £20,000 car and you can now afford to buy a new kitchen as well. Now for the exchange of the same £20,000 be much richer in goods, having both a new car and kitchen. The manufacturer by improving how he makes his cars as increased the wealth in the world. Wealth comes from the minds of men and women and not from the mints printing the money.
Wealth comes from creating something of value that fulfills a want is an others life. On of the best indicators of how you can add value is looking at the things you love to do were time passes quickly.
A couple of points to help in the wealth creation process:
  • Always seek help if you need it. Not in the way I need someone to help me do this or I will fail. You seek help with the mindset that it is important that I bring my project to the world and any information I can gain that will improve the results and improve the chances of success is worth seeking out. I don't need there help I want it. If somebody doesn't want to help me I will move on and find it else where.
  • Create a wow factor. If you do a good job and leave your customer satisfied they will be happy and keep it to themselves. If you surprise them by giving them move than they expected they will be delighted and tell people.
Make it your mission to help people add value to there lives with your business activities. The rewards will not always be money. The reward of enhancing peoples lives will help to make the world a better place and you a better person. A good model is always give something of value free before you sell anything.
I have talked about creating wealth from a business perspective, but you can apply the same mindset to any area of your life. By thinking about what you can give and how you can add value, you will find yourself becoming more successful and fulfilled. You do need to make large dramatic gestures, simply smiling more as you go about your day, can touch those around you with a little sunshine.

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