Friday, May 20, 2011

The Key to Success in Life

By Anthony Bissong

Have you ever asked yourself a fundamental question, why some people are successful in anything they set their mind on, while others are less successful? Why do some have all the money they want while others scrape for a living. The reason for this is because there is a fundamental process you have to adhere to, to become successful and achieve riches in any field of endeavor.
Firstly you have to truly believe that you are not limited by your circumstance,
or what appears to be limited supply in your current reality. Accept and believe that there is abundant supply of everything and anything you may need, and it is all there for the taking if you would but ask for it.
Next, you have to think and have a vision of what it is you want. What exactly do you want to achieve in life. Really make this vision as clear as you can in your mind, fix your whole concentration on this one vision and truly believe you are living the vision in question. Make sure once you have built this vision in your mind you hold on to it henceforth.
Thirdly you have to submit this vision to the super consciousness or God if you are of a religious disposition. The only way to submit your vision to the super consciousness and get the super consciousness to provide what you ask for, is to have total clarity and unshakable believe, that what you have asked for will come to fruition in your life. As an example if you would like to own a nice car, you will need to be specific on what car you are after, provide as much details as you can, and submit it to the super consciousness through your thoughts.
Fourthly you have to begin to act in accordance with your vision. It is most certain that the super consciousness will begin the creation of what you have asked for, as long as you believe. However, in order to receive what you have asked for, you will need to take actions that are directly inspired by your vision. It is only by doing so, are you able to receive what you have asked for.
In addition, you have to be willing to give what it takes to get what you are after. In as much as we have accepted that we need to take actions that are aligned to what we want, we really have to do the actions whatever they may be to such a level that there is no doubt, that we really want what we are asking for. This will bring the sort of intensity that is required to get anything worth having.
Finally once we get what we are after, we need to appreciate them for what there are and express our gratitude to the super consciousness for granting our wishes. This would mean we can get even more things when we ask for them.

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