Friday, May 20, 2011

How to Rewire Your Brain to Make Lots of Money

By Mike Ward

It's not hard to make money. You just have to know what you're doing.
What exactly are you doing when you buy something? You are exchanging a bit of paper or some coins for a product, right? (Excluding all forms of debt)
This exchange must benefit you in some way: more than keeping the money in your pocket. Otherwise you wouldn't enter into the transaction would you?. Every successful product in every
market benefits people more than the money it costs. But as well as that, the benefits themselves are needed and/or wanted by people.
Now, to get the money to pay for the product you have to swap something of yours (e.g., time or effort) that somebody else needs or wants from you, for the money. Okay?
So money is like a token of value which you can exchange for other values. Instead of messing about swapping products with other people's products (bartering) and limiting yourself to what you can actually get, you swap your value for money and then buy what the heck you like.
Money is not a commodity. Not in reality. Some people might say it is but they are fooling themselves. You cannot buy $10 with any less than $10 and you cannot sell $10 for any more than $10. (Not unless you're a bank and your customers are daft enough to fall for it!) Money only enables the exchange of products. Simple as that. The only real value is in the products themselves. Not in the money.
Think about this. Imagine you have a wallet full of notes. How does it make you feel? Good? Why? I'll tell you why. It's because you know you can gain more values by spending it. It's not the money itself, it's the beneficial qualities of the products you can buy with it that makes you feel good.
Money is not a value. Products are. Without products to trade, there would be no need for money.
What I'm getting you to see is that real value or wealth is in the products themselves. Money, value, wealth... all come from products. I hope that is clear.
If you have a job or are self-employed then you yourself are the product you are selling to your boss or clients. At that moment, you are the only product you are selling. And as there are only 24 hours in a day, you're extremely limited as to how much money you can make. You created the product (You) by training.
You added value to yourself... and then sold it to the best bidder (employer or clients). So one way you can make more money is to form a company and train others in what you do to create a bigger value to trade. But you will soon see that there are much better ways to create a bigger value than that...
Anyway, it now follows that in order to create money, wealth and value you must create products. In order to get rich you must create products. In order to retire in 30 years you must create at least one product (e.g., You trained for a job). In order to get rich and retire in 2 to 3 years you must create multiple products.
Whatever your goal in life, you must create a product or products in order to get your goal. And you cannot escape from that fact. If you try to escape it you will always be broke.
Okay, so you realize you must create products to create money and you realize money and wealth comes from products.
There is one more thing you need to understand...
Products are Wealth
You know that. But how do you decide which products to create?
But that's for another day!
Making money isn't difficult at all. You just have to know what you're doing. Now it's time for you to go out there and make more of it. More than you thought you would. More than anyone thought you would. More than you need.
* When you create products, you create wealth. From nothing.
* When you create products, you raise the economy. Single handed.
* When you create products, you ultimately help people live longer.
* When you create products, you are a real person living a real life independently sustained by yourself.
That is powerful!

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