Monday, August 8, 2011

Law of Attraction - The Law of Attraction Must Include the Law of Action

By Charles Prosper

In essence, the Law of Attraction states that whatever you habitually focus on you tend to attract automatically into you life. This law is very appealing to most people because of its apparent promise of effortless manifestation of the things that we want in our lives. Hey, if we really want something, that means we are focusing on it, and since we are focusing on it, therefore it is being attracted into our lives. Right? Well, there is a little more to it than that. If it were as easy as that then everyone who has ever really wanted something would always walk away with their arms loaded down with all of the stuff they could imagine.
How We Stop the Law of Attraction from Working
There are also many things that can and do get in the way of the Law of Attraction. One of those things is doubt and worry; this is the killer for most people. Another thing that stops the Law of Attraction is the refusal to take immediate and positive action to make that which you say you want to come about. You see, the minute that you focus your energy on something, by the laws of Higher Power, that which you have begun to think about begins to move toward you with the intention of becoming reality.
The Law of Attraction is Really the Law of Opportunity
That which you attract is a movement toward you. That which you attract appears in the form of opportunity. The problem is also that many of us do not recognize the first of the manifestation of our desire because we misread the perfect opportunity when it appears, so that in hindsight we say, "I shouldn't have doubted myself and hesitated. I should have taken the risk and should have gone for it." How often do we miss our cues!
The Law of Attraction Can Only Work through the Law of Immediate Action
If fruit falls to the ground after we have prayed for food, we still have to bend over and pick it up to eat it. If the woman of our dreams is sitting next to us on a two-hour plane flight, we still have to begin a conversation and talk to her. If we get a great money-making idea to change our life situation for the better, we still have to take the leap of faith and act on it. The Law of Attraction is not the law of imposition, that is, we are never forced to realized what we have attracted.
The 2 Secrets to Get the Law of Attraction to Always Work for You
It's very simple. I think that we ironically attract opportunities for that which we pray night and day. The problem is do we see the opportunity? And do we act upon it? Put very plainly, the secret of Attraction lies in its last six letters.

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