Monday, August 8, 2011

The 5th Universal Law: That of Intention or Attraction

By Nancy Stremmel 

This is the most simple of the laws, once one has mastered the previous laws. When you have accepted that you are one with Source/Divinity/Creator, and you are engaged in moving energy by giving, and you are actively making karmic choices, you are ready to become an integral being.
The integral being practices acceptance of the moment, responsibility, and defenselessness. This is necessary before you can permanently enter the 4th dimension. The higher spiritual beings are just waiting for you to be ready. They will not let a person who is prone to explosive anger or blaming, fear or regret become a master manifestor because that person would be more likely to cause hurt as to be expansive, thus increasing peace and abundance.
This 5th law gives you the power to manifest love and beauty, peace and abundance, or if you are in opposition to Source, you can also manifest illness and war, distress and destruction. This is why those individuals who are oppositional will be kept largely in the lower frequency of the third dimension. But, as we see in the world today, they do sometimes rise to a level capable of manifesting and cause trouble for us all.
Your Choice is always between Fear and Love:
This law only gives one difficulty when it is taken out of context of the other laws. "Desire is part of your karmic software" says Deepak Chopra. "Intent is what puts into process that which we desire." Make your list based on your heart's atonement to the flow and surrender that list to the womb of creation. Believe, and it is done.
Every decision is between fear and love. Are you going to make that bill payment today? Love will encourage you to do it and fear will encourage you to wait. Are you going to make that phone call to your sister/brother/cousin? Love will encourage you to do it and fear will make you hesitate.
Do you love your work enough to turn off the TV and put in some extra time mastering your craft? Do you love you family enough to do the extra work around your home without complaining? Do you love your partner and your self enough to always tell the truth and to always honor your contracts? Do you love humanity enough to trust that people are basically good and doing the best they can in any given situation?
When you are able to let go of all fear, and embrace love in all circumstances, you will be able to manifest with such speed and accuracy that your manifesting might also be called a miracle. Until that time, you will be practicing your manifesting mastery as a doctor or a lawyer practices their profession.

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