Friday, May 20, 2011

Attraction of Money - Why Some People Cannot Attract Money

By Tevin Sterling

When was the last time you attracted money into your reality? Has it been a while? Have you ever even done it?
You most likely used visualization techniques. Maybe you even convinced your mind to believe that the money was on its way. The feeling of abundance may have come to you while your eyes were closed. Maybe you mentally walked through that multi-million dollar luxury mansion that is way out reach for your current income. I've been there, and done that as well.

So what happened afterwards? Did the attraction of money come into your life?
If you are reading this article, I'm willing to bet that you didn't. This is coming from a guy that doesn't like to gamble! So what does this mean? Is attraction based manifestation a bunch of hocus pocus?
For some time I was wrestling with the thought that this could be true. I found myself jumping from guru to guru, trying different methods and techniques to creatively convince the universe to bring money into my life. Since it wasn't working; either I was wrong or they were. I shuddered at the idea that these seemingly well intentioned experts were just very good "snake oil" salesmen.
If I was the one making the mistakes, then where was I going wrong? How could others "get it" where I haven't a clue on how to attract money?
All options considered to exhaustion. Think of a world where law of attraction did not exist. You'd be looking at a world that was at the mercy of chance occurrences. If that were the case, then you'd probably have animals with legs for heads and no mouths. Evolution wouldn't exist because it's not random.
If all was up to chance then on some days the Earth would go around the moon and vice versa. Wouldn't it? The universe is so ordered in such ways that it's impossible for it to even exist if you want to consider a reality based on randomness. Thus, I would have to consider myself to be part of that order. But how much am I controlled by it or influenced by it? If my thoughts can cause my hand to move an object, then I must have some influence over reality, right?
So this only would mean that I've been doing something wrong and these experts were right.
But what was it that I'm just not getting?
I took to studying, reading about, and watching as many people as I found that were "naturally successful." The purpose of this was to find their similarities and what made it so easy to them to create so much prosperity in their lives. Many late nights were filled banging my head against the wall, trying to figure them out. Then it finally hit me! The answer was in front of me the whole time.
They actually weren't doing anything special. They were just being themselves. And by being this way they were able to bring prosperity (in various forms) into their lives.
They started "being" rather than "doing." Regardless of if it's intentional or not, you are always "being" something. Why not "be" something purposefully. Be someone that attracts happiness, health, and wealth. Being a master at manifesting great things into your life is something you already have in you. Think of it this way; when you are planning your vacation your are a state of absolute certainty that it will happen. This clarity without doubt is the essence of law of attraction.
Most people get caught up in learning the latest "trick" or "technique" when it comes to the attraction of money and other things. But that's all related to "doing." And it simply doesn't work.
I specialize in self hypnosis and subliminal hypnosis. Once of the occurring themes in many self hypnosis programs is to put you in a condition of being in order to achieve a certain outcome. Almost like a light switch you can alter your state of being on demand. So learning how to attract on demand is possible too.
Manifesting money and worrying about money are two things that cancel each other out. You just can't do it both. Think of it like trying to drive while one foot pushes on the brake while the other pushes on the gas simultaneously. You'd be going nowhere fast and wasting energy doing it.
If knowing how to expel negative feelings while manifesting money was a state of "being" for you, do you think you'd have any issues attracting prosperity into your life?
Absolutely NOT!
The difference is the mindset. When you are "being" something it's permanent and a part of your. When you are "doing" something it's only for the time you are taking the action. I manifested paying off both of my car loans by switching my thinking this way.

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