Friday, May 20, 2011

Money Making Opportunities: How to Get Lucky More Often

By Roberta Gerrick

Some people in life seem to always be in the right place at the right time. Whether they happen to meet an old colleague at a coffee shop who introduces them to profitable money making opportunities or they find a $100 bill in a random parking lot, fortunate events seem to be a commonplace occurrence in their life.
It's easy to believe that some people are just lucky. However, that is
not true at all. Studies show that people who seem to attract more fortunate events and opportunities in their life actually share several traits. If you want to be luckier and attract bigger and better money making opportunities in your life then you need to adopt these mindsets.
3 Tips for Attracting More Money Making Opportunities
Take More Chances
People who appear to be luckier in life than others may only be so because statistics favors the bold. Successful people tend to take more chances than unsuccessful people and the more risks you take the more likely one of those risks will pay off in a big way with opportunities to make money or increased visibility of your business. You see this all the time in sports. In fact, Michael Jordan illustrates this perfectly when he said:
"I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed."
You may miss 50% of the shots you take but you miss 100% of the shots you don't take.
Be Open to Money Making Opportunities
A survey done by psychologist Richard Wiseman found that people who seem to be luckier were actually just more open to the possibilities of life. During an experiment he conducted where people self reported whether they felt lucky or not, he had both groups count the number of pictures they found in a newspaper. People who self reported being lucky were able to find them within a few seconds while it took about 2 minutes or more for the unlucky group to find the same pictures.
According to Wiseman, the reason for this discrepancy is that unlucky people are so focused on a singular purpose that they often overlook the opportunities that are right under their nose.
'Unlucky people miss chance opportunities because they are too focused on looking for something else. They go to parties intent on finding their perfect partner, and so miss opportunities to make good friends. They look through the newspaper determined to find certain job advertisements and, as a result, miss other types of jobs. Lucky people are more relaxed and open, and therefore see what is there, rather than just what they are looking for.'
If you want to increase the number of money making opportunities that flow into your life, then you need to keep yourself open to all the possibilities surrounding you. You may not find a million dollar idea but you could come upon a way to generate a sizeable amount of passive income that will take you one step further towards your goal.
Look for Ways to Turn Misfortune Around
Bad things happen. It is an unfortunate fact of life. However, successful people who seem to have a constant flow of money earning opportunities have mastered the art of being able to take lemons and turn them into lemonade.
It is no secret that many of the Fortune 500 companies in existence today were started during the Great Depression. Something good can come out of most bad situations. It is just a matter of developing the mindset to always look for the bright side. More often than not, that is where you will find your money making opportunities.
Anyone can experience more luck in their life. Make a habit of keeping your eyes and ears open to the world around you and you'll find that the number of money making opportunities in your life will increase dramatically.

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