Friday, May 20, 2011

How Can I Prosper in These Economic Times?

By Dr Ed Moloney

Quite a few people are asking this and similar questions. With the world economic situation in turmoil and the housing market seemingly in an endless downward spiral, they wonder what to do. The answer is that outside conditions need not govern your life. You must always keep in mind that, struggle, worry and stress just leads to more struggle, worry and stress.

This is a lack of mentality and that will only attract more lack. This is not what you want. Remember we are all non-physical/spiritual beings living in a physical world. For many, it is a matter of getting back in touch with their non-physical/spiritual side and focusing on what they do want as opposed to what they do not want or do not have.
It does not matter what other people think or say, nor does it matter what is going on in the world around you. What matters are your wishes, dreams and desires and that is where your focus needs to be. When Edison was asked about the ten thousand failed attempts in trying to invent the light bulbs, his response was I have not failed ten thousand times, I simply discovered ten thousand ways it would not work. This needs to be your approach. Resolving the internal conflicts and contradictions and keeping focus on what it is you want to attract. Remaining steadfast in what you are working toward, undaunted in your commitment. That is what will get you there. This is what leads to being on the road to a potent and successful life.
Many years ago, there was a little Japanese man, who developed an interest in motor vehicles. He went and studied them and opened a repair shop in a small town in Japan. He built up an excellent following; however, this was not his dream. He put together a small amount of money, moved to a much larger city, and continued repairing cars, however, his dream was to build motorcycles and that is what he began doing. After numerous attempts, he finally had three bikes that he entered in the Isle of Mann race.
They did not win, but all three finished. That began his reputation. He went on to become the largest manufacturer of motor cycles in the world. You may have heard of him, his name was Honda. This is one example of a dream undaunted and that is what it takes.

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