Friday, May 20, 2011

Super-Focus to Unlock the Power of the Mind for Wealth and Success

By Philicia Spain

As you rightly may know, you can never have riches in abundance or fullness of life unless you have a burning desire, and that you can actually possess those desires and dreams by the power of your mind. The quandary though is how to imprint your burning desire/s into your mind long enough so that your sub conscious mind is programmed to attract your dreams into your life. The secret is to learn
how to focus your attention for just a few minutes each day so that your habitual ways of thinking can be developed into new ways of thinking.
Firstly its imperative that you have a burning desire for wealth and abundance. I definitely had no burning desire for money. I naturally had occasional day dreaming episodes of what I would do if I won or inherited a massive fortune. I decided that if I wanted this to happen, I would have to find out how to access and keep this burning desire in my mind for a prolonged period.
So began my insatiable search for information, on how to get this done. How do you get your mind receptive especially when you have been pre- programmed since childhood, by education, media or peers? My biggest fear regarding riches and fortune was that I was being greedy and materialistic especially when there are millions starving.
Many spiritual teachers say that in trying to fulfill your physical wants and desires you are missing the source of happiness that is already inside you now. True but I also found after reading ample material on the subject, that you can have the best of both worlds. You can have incredible fun in this material world, co-creating and receiving your heart's desires plus maintaining a spiritual connection with your Source (or the name you prefer).
Do you believe that you are on this earth for a purpose? Do you have a life mission, a spiritual purpose and path? Could you become passionate about your life and excited about what you are creating?
Well I found the first step was to slow down and take a deep look at what was in my heart. Discovering what was truly blocking me and releasing them from my mind and body allowed new ways of thinking. This allowed new opportunities and possibilities into everyday life.
The second step was by knowing myself better. Thus I could break negative thoughts and behavior patterns.
So in this search on how attain and perpetually maintain my burning desire for riches and abundance, I realized there are many techniques, secrets and manifesting tools to unlock the power of your mind. These techniques include meditation, relaxation and visualization. Have you tried visualizing but get easily distracted? Are your limiting beliefs holding you back? Do you struggle to relax? Are you finding it hard to stay excited about your goal?

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